
paper & digital artist

Date: January 31, 2019
Source: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Y’all, this was a stupidly fun build. And it’s huge. 16 x 32 inches! (by comparison, the Wicked King papercraft is 11 x 14″) I really had fun experimenting with this one, especially with the colors. I limited my selections to vibrant reds and dulled blues/greys and really stretched the color contrast muscles. Paying homage to the brilliant book covers, I imbued a crow/cityscape with a collage of elements inspired by noir, art deco and M.C. Escher.

…and I’m honored to let Nina finally have her waffles.

I’ve had this planned since early last year, and finally decided to build it in honor of the #KingOfScars release….but then @netflix dropped their news about the Grishaverse series!?! So let this papercraft be my mortal sacrifice to the book-adaptation gods to bless @lbardugo and Eric Heisserer & crew on their venture!